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Why we give to God

There are multiple reasons we give an offering to God.  One reason is that in our Scriptures, God asks us to return to God the first of all we receive from Him in the form of a tithe (10%).  This reminds us that 100% of what we have is because of the goodness of God who gives us everything.  It keeps us grounded and from forgetting that God has blessed us with life and the ability to sustain life through the finances we receive.


So giving is less about the money (that is always between you and God) and more about the spirituality of giving and honoring God who has given us everything.  We should also give back to God by donating our time and our talents to work in God’s kingdom.  Whether it is getting involved in this local church through service projects or some other good works that help to strengthen God’s kingdom is up to you.


The difference between God’s tithe and our offerings is that the first 10% of our income is what God calls us to give and is considered the tithe.  Offerings are over and above the tithe and can be given for special reasons or as a deeper gesture of our love for God.  You may give an offering above your normal tithe to help support a special ministry like the Youth Ministry of the church, a special project like the building fund.


The important thing to remember is that what you give must come from your heart and be what you believe God wants you to give as you offer yourself to God in worship.


We welcome christians of all backgrounds to join us on Sundays to worship God.


First United Methodist Church of Delran

32 Conrow Road, Delran, NJ 08075



Sunday: Services @ 10am

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 9am-4pm

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 9am-4pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

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© 2025 First United Methodist Church of Delran


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